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DUI Checkpoint Friday

By Lookout Staff

November 17, 2009 -- You should never drink and drive, but if you plan to travel in the vicinity of Lincoln Boulevard and Michigan Avenue Friday evening, be especially sure the person behind the wheel is sober.

The Santa Monica Police Department will be conducting a Sobriety/ Drivers license check point to confirm their sobriety and drivers license status, police announced Tuesday.

It will be the first of several checkpoints to be conducted over the next twelve-month period, police said.

“Law enforcement officers are doing more to remove drunk drivers from California’s streets and highways thanks to our DUI traffic safety funding,” said Christopher J. Murphy, director of the California Office of Traffic Safety.

“But everyone can help make their communities safer," Murphy said. "If you see a Drunk Driver – Call 9-1-1.”

Since 2005, the number of alcohol involved fatalities has been dropping, thanks to efforts like those in Santa Monia, authorities said. They encourage law enforcement and the public to continue to work toward "zero deaths."

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

“Law enforcement officers are doing more to remove drunk drivers from California’s streets and highways thanks to our DUI traffic safety funding,”

"If you see a Drunk Driver – Call 9-1-1.”

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